5 Types Of Drip Edge Flashing

5 Types Of Drip Edge Flashing: Choose Right One for Roofing

Do want to expand your rood lifespan? So, it is very important to protect your roof for ages, then you need to select right kind of drip edge flashing. Before to start, you have to learn about drip edge flashing, types and selection.

As a roofing expert, I’ll share detailed guide for homeowners and roofer how to choose right drip edge flashing, what are their types and benefits.

Let’s start to explore 5 different types of drip edge flashing.

What does drip edge flashing do?

It is essential to understand the about drip edge flashing. The roof’s drip edge is an important component of flashing system that protect your roof from water damage. The drip edge installed along the rakes and eaves of roof. It keeps water away from the fascia and also prevent from seeping. Otherwise it’ll damage your roof structure.

Moreover it also save your roof from rain and overflow water and protect porch and siding of the roof. So, it’s very essential to choose right drip edge flashing for roof’s longevity.

5 Types of Drip Edge Flashing

There are different types of drip edge flashing, it durability and ability to divert water depends on the shape and material use for flashing. Here I’ve discussed most commonly used drip edge flashing shapes.

L-Type Drip Edge

L-type drip edge flashing is the most commonly used. L-type drip edge has two flange, the vertical flange covers the fascia board and the horizontal flange covers the roof deck. This type of drip edge flashing is very useful to prevent water and also protect roof structure from seeping.

T-Type Drip Edge

This is very similar to the L-type drip edge but has an additional flange which that extended into the roofing material for better protection. T-Type drip edge secure your roof from water and its extra flange provides your roof an additional layer. It stops the water intrusion and create watertight seal.

C-Type Drip Edge

C-Type drip edge flashing is also commonly used in roofing. It has letter C shape and provides smooth transition between fascia and roofing material. In this type one flange hangs vertically flush and the other flange overhang the roof.  C-Type drip edge prevent the roofing material from water and also stops water penetration. Further, this common used type is very attractive for low profile roofs.

F-Type Drip Edge

The F-Type drip edge also known as Gutter Apron and mostly used for pitched residential roofs. It uses in high wind areas to protect roofs from high speed air as well as water. In this type of drip edge one extended flange overlap the fascia board and roof deck. This extended flange protect your roof from wind as well as water seeping. It also prevent water dripping behind the roof gutters and provide maximum safety to roof.

Z-Type Drip Edge

Z-Type drip edge know from its shape like letter Z, and commonly used in steep-slop roofs. The main feature is, it provides your roof an extra protection and also protect joints between sheets of siding from water infiltration. The water goes from the surface of the roof and away from fascia due to its Z shape drip edge flashing.

Materials used to Make Roof Drip Edges

Drip edges made of different materials. The better choice can be only made with sturdy material. Here are options available in the market for drip edges.


Drip edges made of aluminum are always lightweight and show resistance to corrosion. Further these are popular choices for drip edge flashing, it is due to durability and lifespan.

Aluminum drip edges can easily paint to match the roof color. Moreover, working with aluminum drip edge is also easy and require less time. Aluminum drip edges can bear harsh weather as well as corrosion and saline atmosphere.

Galvanized Steel

Galvanized steel coated with zinc layer, which is very suitable to prevent the drip edge from corrosion and rust. These drip edges are commonly used due to their longevity and strength. If you are living in a high moisturize area then it’s suitable for your roof. Moreover, it is compatible to every roofing material and protect roof from water damage at rake and eave.


Copper drip edges provides pleasing look and durability. Due to its corrosion resistance, copper drip edge prevent water and safe your roof during extreme weather. All these features makes it long lasting choice for drip edge flashing.


A vinyl drip edge can easy to install and very cheap, so this option is cost effective. It requires only minor mistakes to repair and show high performance against rust and corrosion. Moreover, vinyl drip edges are light weight.

Further, there is no need to worry about color scheme, you can choose any color of drip edge according to your roof’s shade.

Factors to Consider When Choosing Drip Edge Flashing

When you are going to choose drip edge, it is important to consider some potential factors. Below are some important factors you must need to learn.


When you are going to choose drip edge, budget is an essential factor. You can compare different brands, read reviews on drip edge brands and their cost. Moreover, another cost should also include in it, which is cost to install drip edge flashing.

In short, the cost can vary according to the material and area. So you can choose a free quote option before to start, it’ll help you to estimate budget and time.

Climate and Weather Conditions

Before to choose right drip edge consider weather conditions where you are living. If you face harsh, extreme and rainy weather you have to consider a long-lasting and withstand drip edge. Moreover, for high temperature you can select from the above drip edges, but must read before to select.

Compatible with Roofing Material

Drip edges choose according to the roofing material. Make sure your choice compatible with the previous roofing material. Because different materials require different types of drip edges. Always ensure proper fitting with roof materials for better water prevention.

Moreover, you can read our guidelines about proper installation of drip edge flashing with 100 percent accuracy, durability, and effectiveness. If you need any inspection, installation or repairing related to roofing, buildincommon always here to serve you.


What is Drip Edge vs. Drip Edge Flashing?

There is no difference between these two, drip edge flashing is often know as drip edge material used in roofing. It also known as connation between gutter and roofline.

Can I Install Drip Edge Flashing Myself?

Yes, you can install drip edge by yourself but keep in mind it needs professional services, tools and resources. So the best option is to consider a professional roofer for that job.

Final Words

Drip edge flashing is a crucial when you want to install it. It is essential because it prevent water seeping and save your roof. A right material and proper installation will protect your home as well as you from any uncertainty. We have already discuss the drip edges types and factors to consider while choosing right one for your roof.

BuildInCommon, will guide you from A-Z all about roofing. We have professional roofers and experts to inspect your roof and give you accurate estimation.

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